Winter Night Shelters

Our circuit Winter Night Shelter service operates during the coldest months of the year and is a lifeline for many who would otherwise be sleeping rough. Our winter night shelters offer 15-beds for those with low support needs, and we work alongside Milton Keynes City Council’s emergency provision, which provides a 19-bed male shelter that is open all year.

Concerned about someone sleeping rough in Milton Keynes?

If you’re worried about someone sleeping rough in Milton Keynes you can refer them to our welfare team on 07549 609427 or by emailing

Alternatively, StreetLink is a nationwide project whereby members of the public can report incidences of observed rough sleeping and welfare concerns. Street Link will then alert the appropriate agencies to offer support. You can get in touch with Street Link via their website (, downloading their mobile app, or by calling 0300 500 0914.

Thanks to churches, community centres and an incredible team of volunteers, we’re able to offer this service 7 days a week and guests know they will receive an evening meal, company, and a warm, dry place to sleep. 

From the end of November through to the end of March, our guests are invited to arrive at our friendly reception café at our Unity Park Station welfare centre from 5.00pm, seven days a week. They will be welcomed by our welfare team and have time to settle in, sort and store their belongings, have hot drinks, snacks, and relax.

Later guests will be transported to an overnight venue. There they will be greeted by a team of trained volunteers who provide an evening meal, company and support, opportunities to relax and play games, and a warm bed for the night. In the morning guests are provided with hot drinks, breakfast and transported back to Unity Park Station where they can access shower, laundry facilities and of course welfare support.

Our welfare team work with our night shelter guests to get them into more settled accommodation and support them to rebuild their lives. This might be through working with the Council, referrals to partner agencies such as the YMCA, Bus Shelter MK or Emmaus, or finding private accommodation and housing schemes that will work for them.

We have a number of former guests who say they owe their lives to our night shelter service, and some have returned to volunteer to help others.

Mags at our welfare centre

How you can help

If you’ve been inspired to volunteer at our night shelter service, keep an eye on our Volunteering page or social media channels and you can sign up to help when we open our volunteer recruitment for the winter season. 

Volunteers setting up beds at our Winter Night Shelters

    Charity Number: 1149480

    Company Number: 08232340

    Registered Address: The Ridgeway Centre, Featherstone Road, Wolverton Mill South, Milton Keynes, MK12 5TH